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Directed by Genevieve Roudane

Cast: Jose Domingo Flores, Jose Eliezer Esponda Caceres, Isauro Vidal, Esther Noriega Molina

In a small town in Mexico, once a year, men transform into women and become the Chuntá. Follow two gender-bending gangs of dancers as they face off in a struggle between queer identity and powerful traditions.

Director Bio

Genevieve Roudané is a queer filmmaker who has worked on diverse productions across Mexico and the US. She is the director of the documentary film The Chunta, the story of a queer gang of gender-bending dancers fighting to exist in southern Mexico. Roudané’s work focuses on the intersection of art and social transformation and is informed by her background in community organizing and anthropology. Roudané co-founded the Ocote Film Festival. She lives in Portland, Oregon.

Preceded By


Directed by Audrey Jean-Baptiste

Transgender dancer Lasseindra Ninja returns to her home in French Guiana to empower the local LGBTQ community through the art of voguing.

Plays in


Familiar notions of gender roles and performance are challenged and spectacularly reimagined in this pair of dance-based films…

Dates & Times


Plaza de la Raza

Mon, Jul 22
7:00 pm