Directed by Chase Joynt, Kristen SchiltCast: Zackary Drucker, Angelica Ross, Silas Howard, Max Wolf Valerio
- Canada, USA
- Documentary, Experimental, History, Social Issue/Activism, Teen-Friendly, Trans, Women
- English
- 2018
- 19 mins
- Southern California premiere
Watch as preeminent trans culture-makers of our time breathe new life into a 1950s archive of never-before-seen histories of transgender people.
Director Bio
Filmmaker Chase Joynt and sociologist Kristen Schilt met in 2002 while studying at UCLA. Framing Agnes extends from their 2014 Mellon Foundation Fellowship at the University of Chicago’s Gray Center for Arts and Inquiry. Their book-in-progress Conceptualizing Agnes disrupts dominant legacies of medical expertise about transgender identities. Together, they have been invited to present their work at Columbia University, the Radcliffe Institute at Harvard University, and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago.
A snapshot of emerging themes in trans and non-binary storytelling, and a space for trans and non-binary storytellers and audiences to come together to explore and celebrate our stories, our collective history, and our intersectionality.
Plays in
Love, sex, desire, religion, and how these things construct or deconstruct us are themes that run through this year’s showcase.